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wikiecdm2019:start [2019/04/15 10:40] ebertocchiwikiecdm2019:start [2019/04/17 06:55] (versione attuale) 163097
Linea 1: Linea 1:
 +Running Altair Hypermesh 12 on "Laboratorio Multimediale" computers:
 +  * Please select "Scientific linux" at the boot menu;
 +  * proceed with the login;
 +  * open a terminal with ''Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal'';
 +  * copy and paste the folling command line:  '' $hw12/hm''
 +For running MSC.Marc/Mentat 2013.1 copy and paste the folling command lines:
 +  * OpenGL, accelerated version:  ''mentat2013.1 -ogl -glflush''
 +  * unaccelerated version:  ''mentat2013.1''
 +{{ :wikiecdm2019:conrod.igs |}}
 +{{ :wikiecdm2019:gudgeon_pin.bdf |}}
 +{{ :wikiecdm2019:piston.bdf |}}