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wikifemfuchde2018:technical_dictionary [2018/02/27 09:06] ebertocchiwikifemfuchde2018:technical_dictionary [2024/03/22 11:56] (versione attuale) ebertocchi
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 +====== Technical dictionary excerpt ======
 +===== Structural elements =====
 +Longitudinal beam elements: **rails** or **tunnels**
 +Vertical beam elements: **pillars**, **upright members**, **montants**
 +Transverse beam elements: **cross member**, **ledger** (telai ladder frame, ponteggi..)
 +**girder**: horizontal main structural member (as in a building or bridge) that supports vertical loads
 +**diagonal member**, **diagonal bracing**: elemento triangolante un quadrilatero di travi
 +**brace**: elemento trabeiforme di irrigidimento, sostegno, collegamento
 +**door sills**: brancardo
 +**cradle**: culla, intelaiatura di sostegno "avvolgente"
 +**anti-roll bar** or **sway bar**: barra antirollio 
 +**Structural channel, C-beam, Parallel Flange Channel (PFC), open channel section** , profilato con sezione a C. 
 +//"A note on the dynamical behaviour of uniform beams having open channel section"//
 +**propeller shaft tunnel**
 +**steering column**: piantone sterzo
 +**steering rack**, **steering box**: scatola sterzo
 +**scuttle hoop**: curvano
 +**bulkhead**: paratia
 +**engine brackets**, **engine mounts**: staffe vano motore
 +**fender**: parafango, anche fiancata
 +**front pull hook**: gancio di traino
 +**draught connector**: attacco gancio di traino
 +**an oblique joint with a strengthening gusset**: giunto ad angolo con fazzoletto di rinforzo
 +**luggage compartment**, **spare wheel compartment**: vano bagagli, vano ruota di scorta
 +**dashboard frame body**: supporto (traversa) plancia
 +**bonnet**, **hood**: cofano
 +**strut bar**, **strut brace**: barra duomi
 +**firewall** : parafiamma, anche semplicemente **bulkhead**
 +**floor assembly** : pianale
 +**subframe**: telaietto
 +**rib**, **stiffening rib**: nervatura
 +**bead**, **stiffening bead**: "specie di canale concavo ottenuto nella lamiera mediante stampaggio e destinato a rinforzare la parete su cui è eseguito" (ad. dal Marolli); anche "cordone" (es. di saldatura).
 +**rivet**, **riveted joint**: rivetto, giunto rivettato
 +**bolt**, **bolted joint**: bullone, giunto bullonato
 +**inflection point**: punto di flesso
 +centina: centring (provisional support structure, formwork), rib
 +montante: upright member, mast
 +mozzo ruota: wheel hub
 +portamozzo: wheel bearing housing, (solo sterzante, steering knuckle, stub axle carrier)
 +tirante sterzo: tie rod
 +Please provide some example usage from scientific or technical literature, extracted e.g. from [[|Google Scholar]], [[|Books]] etc.
 +Consider also that the quality of the published contributions -- and of their English language -- is getting worse with the [[|publish or perish]] practice. British authors are to be preferred, and long-running journals.