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wikifemfuchde2020:buckling [2020/06/04 05:12] – [a few notes] ebertocchiwikifemfuchde2020:buckling [2021/06/07 15:09] (versione attuale) – [Flexural-torsional buckling example] ebertocchi
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 +====== Buckling in FE simulations ======
 +[[|Buckling what?]]
 +===== Euler column buckling =====
 +base model: {{ :wikifemfuchde2019:400mm_supported_bar.mfd |}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2020:400mm_supported_bar_worked.mfd |}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2020:perturbed400mm_supported_bar.mfd |}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2020:perturbed400mm_supported_bar_worked.mfd |}}
 +buckling load theoretical evaluation: {{ :wikifemfuchde2019:400mm_supported_bar.wxmx |}}
 +  * nonlinear loadcase, unperturbed ([[|N-R method]])
 +  * preloaded structure natural modes
 +  * nonlinear loadcase, perturbed
 +  * linearized pre-buckling analysis
 +===== Flexural-torsional buckling example =====
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2019:simplisupportedprofile_v000.mud |}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2020:simplisupportedprofile_v001.mud |}}
 +profile made in s235jr steel
 +^                            ^ thickness  ^
 +| flanges                    | 4 mm       |
 +| web                        | 2mm        |
 +| gusset plates at supports  | 4 mm       |
 +simply supported in the vertical (//y//) direction the at gusset plate - lower flange intersection nodes (''support_me'' node set).
 +100kN load, uniformly distributed along the intersection line between the upper flange and the web spanning from support to supports (''load_me'' node set).
 +Please note that in MSC.Marc the supplied point load value is applied to **each** associated node.
 +Evaluate the peak equivalent von Mises stress along the structure according to the linear elastic modeling.
 +Due to the compressive state of the profile web, a check with respect to buckling is also required.
 +===== Post-buckling analysis of a complex structure =====
 +{{ :wikipaom2018:piramide_buckling_base.mfd |}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2018:piramide_buckling_neotiranti.mfd |}}
 +{{ :wikipaom2018:piramide_buckling_neopannelli.mfd |}}