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wikiffcd2025:start [2025/02/25 09:11] – [Lecture Notes] ebertocchiwikiffcd2025:start [2025/02/28 12:27] (versione attuale) – [Sparse material] ebertocchi
Linea 3: Linea 3:
 ===== Lecture Notes ===== ===== Lecture Notes =====
-{{ :wikiffcd2025:ffcd_mscm_lecture_notes_v20250225a.pdf |Lecture notes}}, provisional version, print up to p.29 (30th of the pdf).+{{ :wikiffcd2025:ffcd_mscm_lecture_notes_v20250225a.pdf |Lecture notes}}, provisional version, print up to p.25.
 {{ :wikiffcd2025:ffcd_mscm_exam_formulary_v20250225a.pdf |Exam formulary example}}. {{ :wikiffcd2025:ffcd_mscm_exam_formulary_v20250225a.pdf |Exam formulary example}}.
Linea 9: Linea 9:
 ===== Shared terminal lab ===== ===== Shared terminal lab =====
-[[:virtualcdmlab2023: | Shared terminal lab for the 2023-24 courses]]+[[:virtualcdmlab2023: | Shared terminal lab for the 2023-24 on courses]]
 ===== Videos ===== ===== Videos =====
Linea 21: Linea 21:
 ===== Sparse material ===== ===== Sparse material =====
-FIXME+{{ :wikiffcd2022:eig2x2.wxmx |}}
 +{{ :wikiffcd2022:caveat_castigliano.wxmx |}}
 +Reference L-shaped cross section, to verify the coupled bending formulas: {{ :wikiffcd2022:l-section.wxmx |maxima worksheet}},  {{ :wikiffcd2022:l-section.mud |Oxy}} and {{ :wikiffcd2022:l-section-rot.mud |G12}} oriented MSC.Marc/Mentat linear models. 
 +Large rotation, animated 
 +{{ :wikiffcd2022:l-section-largerots-hie.mud |hiE}}
 +{{ :wikiffcd2022:l-section-largerots-lowe.mud |lowE}}
 +models, {{:wikiffcd2022:l-section-largerots-hie_rotunitm.gif?linkonly|gif animation}}.
 ===== Exam turn schedules ===== ===== Exam turn schedules =====
 See [[restricted:turni_esame_pt_pasm_paom|PT, PAOM, PASM, FFCD Exam schedules]]. See [[restricted:turni_esame_pt_pasm_paom|PT, PAOM, PASM, FFCD Exam schedules]].
wikiffcd2025/start.1740474699.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2025/02/25 09:11 da ebertocchi