Questa è una vecchia versione del documento!
Enrico Bertocchi, spring 2022 courses
Lecture Notes
lecture notes, as of 2021-09-07 (big endian).
Errata corrige
to the _v20210971
version. Sorry.
The paragraphs Once we obtained the expressions… and All the contribution of the external loads.. turned out to be subtly wrong, even if the so obtained results are in fact correct for the given test case.
The correct procedure is in general:
- not to substitute first the expression of the reaction forces as a function of the external loads within the strain energy $U$, and then to apply the Castigliano's second theorem, but instead
- to first apply the Castigliano's second theorem on the raw strain energy expression thus obtaining displacements, and then to substitute the reaction force expressions as functions of the external loads within the obtained displacement expressions.
$$ U=U\left(P,F,X_\mathrm{A},Y_\mathrm{A},\Psi_\mathrm{A},H,I,Z_\mathrm{A},\Theta_\mathrm{A},\Phi_\mathrm{A}\right) $$
$$ \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \gets \frac{\partial U}{\partial F} $$
$$ \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \gets \left. \frac{\partial U}{\partial F} \right|_{F=0,I=0} $$
Planar beam structure i.p. and o.o.p. loadings
The beam structure centroidal axis lies on a plane, which is also a symmetry plane for the cross-sections.
Symmetric and skew-symmetric loads with respect to such a plane are called in-plane and out-of-plane loads, respectively.
If the superposition of effects holds (e.g., if the structure behaves linearly) each load set only induces an associated subset of the possible components of internal action, see
Other Shared material
FFCD specific material
Rollbar-like frame
Maxima worksheet v0001
PAOM specific material