mentat2013.1 -ogl -glflush
Tubolar welded T-joint
The mesh elements are created along the midsurface
- Aluminum (E=70000 MPa, nu=0.3, rho=2.7e-9 tonn/mm^3)
- Chord:
- average diameter: 50mm
- wall thickness: 4mm
- Brace:
- average diameter: 40mm
- wall thickness: 2mm
apply a torsional moment passing through the chord s.t. the nominal shear stress according to the beam theory is 1 MPa; evaluate the stress concentration at the joint as the peak equivalent von Mises stress (according to the employed discretization).
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wikifemfuchde2018/lez_2018-06-06.txt · Ultima modifica: 2018/06/08 14:33 da ebertocchi