a reference structure is added for comparison in rollbar_def_v0.8.7_v005.wxmx.
Naming conventions (varied with respect to yesterday.. )
- coordinate axes: $x, y, z$
- displacement components: $u,v,w$
- rotation components: $\theta,\phi,\psi$
- force components:$U,V,W$
- moment components: $\Theta,\Phi,\Psi$
vectors are named upon the first component, e.g.
- position vector $\underline{\mathbf{x}} \equiv \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \end{bmatrix}$
- displacement vector $\underline{\mathbf{u}}\equiv \begin{bmatrix} u \\ v \\ w \end{bmatrix}$
- rotation vector $\underline{\mathbf{\theta}}\equiv \begin{bmatrix} \theta \\ \phi \\ \psi \end{bmatrix}$
if such a notation is required.
wikifemfuchde2019/lez_2019-03-05.txt · Ultima modifica: 2019/03/05 09:34 da ebertocchi