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Scheda del corso

Lecture Notes

lecture notes, as on 20220317 (big endian), 135% scaled version. Porzioni corrette:

Exam formulary.



Roba sparsa


Reference L-shaped cross section, to verify the coupled bending formulas: maxima worksheet, Oxy and G12 oriented MSC.Marc/Mentat linear models. Large rotation, animated hiE lowE models, gif animation.

Moti elementari per l'elemento piastra alla Mindlin.

Colonne matrice S secondo paragrafo matrice massa, modello marc monoelem_piastra_motielementari_singolidof.mfd

Diverso set di modi elementari di deformazione, più ragionati in termini di stato deformativo indotto. quad4 Mindlin plate elementary modes, drilling_modes_for_shear_locking.pdf.

Patch test for the plate element maxima worksheet, mentat model, reference paper from literature.

Roller bearing questionable modeling

RBE2 vs. RBE3

On the relevance of constraining in dynamic analyses back view side view relevance of (improper) constraints on the dynamic behaviour of a structure. Design is reliable in actual operational conditions (link). Added constraints stiffen up the structure, thus increasing natural frequencies. However, a 0 Hz rigid body mode natural frequency may rise to a finite value due to added positioning constraints; the associate natural mode may be excited in resonance by dynamic loads.

Poor man dynamic response animated view

MSC.Mentat procedure for creating poor man harmonic response animations

MSC.Mentat procedure for creating poor man natural mode animations

Structural damping references





estratto vol. 2, sezione 8 di Soovere, J., and M. L. Drake. Aerospace Structures Technology Damping Design Guide.LOCKHEED-CALIFORNIA CO BURBANK, 1985.


Piede di biella 2d - contatti

Modello base: piede2d_meshed.mfd

Contatto piede-bronzina: interferenza radiale 0.03 mm (corpi discretizzati in accoppiamento nominale senza gioco né interferenza)

Contatto bronzina-spinotto: gioco radiale 0.05 mm (corpi discretizzati con tale gioco di accoppiamento).

Carico sullo spinotto: 28.8kN, da distribuirsi su area diametrale 20,9×60 mm^2.


Programma turni d'esame

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